Marinor, Kochi, India

We are delighted to announce the successful completion of our quality audit for ship accommodation services in India.

In line with Maritime Montering’s unwavering commitment to excellence, our local office in India, Marinor (Maritime Montering Norinco India), has been recertified for the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard by DNV. This certification covers the design, assembly, installation, and commissioning of modular accommodation, including utilities for ships.

Since our establishment in 1981, Maritime Montering has consistently upheld the highest quality standards. Each of our offices in six countries undergoes regular quality audits to maintain these standards.

The recent recertification of our India office reaffirms the Maritime Montering’s dedication to quality across all our entities and highlights our unwavering commitment to excellence.

Key milestones of Maritime Montering’s Quality Management Standard Certification journey in India:

  • Initial Certification: Marinor (Maritime Montering Norinco India Pvt Ltd) was first certified under ISO 9001:2008 on July 31, 2015, by DNV.
  • Upgrade and Continuation: The company upgraded to ISO 9001:2015 during the recertification audit in June 2018 and has maintained this certification continuously since the initial certification in July 2015.
  • Latest Recertification: The most recent recertification audit was conducted on-site by DNV from May 20-22, 2024. Following a successful audit, the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard has been revalidated until July 31, 2027.


Congratulations to our team in India for their dedication and hard work in achieving this milestone!