Maritime Montering Group  gathered together it’s international offices for a dynamic General Managers Summit in Turkey.

The Summit, held on 22-26 April, represented a historic moment for MM as it assembled it’s representatives offices under one roof to enhance collaboration without the borders and beyond the boardroom.

The Group’s offices based in Norway, China, India, Turkey, Romania and Poland were united in the sunny city of Alanya. From collaborative strategical exercises to outdoor adventures exploring Turkey’s natural beauty, the event provided opportunities for managers to connect on a personal level and build lasting relationships between MM representatives in the world.

“We are thrilled to have united our international managers for this fruitful summit,” said Daniel Garden, MM Group CEO. “Bringing together such a talented and diverse team allowed us to exchange ideas, share experiences, and re-understand our offices national diversity for unified global leadership.”

A highlight of the event was the introduction of several new faces to the company’s leadership team in the Norway and Romania offices.

“The addition of new colleagues to our team is a testament to our ongoing improvement and growth,” Daniel Garden added. “Their background and skills will force our target to create memorable marine interior experience for our customers around the world”.

As the summit concluded, attendees departed with renewed enthusiasm, strengthened connections, and a shared vision on the MM management in the future.

Maritime Montering extends its gratitude to all participants for their dedication and commitment to excellence. The MM looks forward to building on the momentum generated at the summit and achieving even greater success together by the next General Managers Summit.



Daniel Garden
Group CEO
Tel: +47 99 71 61 93