Eighteen years ago, Maritime Montering established its office in Romania to bring Scandinavian interior solutions closer to shipowners in Southeastern Europe

2024 is a memorable year for the Maritime Montering family, as it marks the 18th anniversary of our presence in Romania. Reflecting on the journey, we are immensely proud of the success and growth of this venture.

As part of the Group’s international expansion strategy in 2006, Maritime Montering established a representative office in Braila, Romania. This marked the third of our six global offices, serving as a significant milestone in the company’s history.

Since its inception, our dedicated team has consistently delivered outstanding results, making a significant impact on every ship accommodation project and earning the trust of shipowners. This commitment to excellence has established our brand as a symbol of quality in world-class vessel interiors, expanding our reach beyond Romania into neighbouring regions.

Looking back, we take pride in the journey that has made us a trusted interior partner for leading maritime players like Damen, Vard, ATG Piriou Giurgiu as well as other shipyards in Romania and the surrounding areas.

To recognize this remarkable achievement, we recently held a small celebration in Galati, capturing the spirit of our proud team in photos.

On behalf of the entire Group, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to our dedicated professionals in Romania.

Your contributions over the past 18 years have been invaluable for Maritime Montering’s success story.

Happy 18th Anniversary, MM Romania!